New Features just Shipped

We are thrilled to announce a host of exciting new features that are now available on Formshare, designed to improve the way you create and manage your forms.

June 17th, 2024

We are thrilled to announce a host of exciting new features that are now available on Formshare, designed to improve the way you create and manage your forms.

Forced Input Fields

One of the standout features we are introducing is Forced Input Fields. This powerful tool ensures that the data you collect is always in the right format, maintaining accuracy and consistency throughout your forms.

By specifying the input type for each step, you can guide your respondents to provide the exact information you need, eliminating any ambiguity or errors.

Dynamic Inputs

Another game-changer is our Dynamic Inputs feature, which harnesses the power of AI to intelligently decide the most appropriate input type based on previous answers.

This enables you to create forms with conditional logic, adapting to the unique needs and responses of each individual user.

Whether you're creating surveys, registration forms, or feedback questionnaires, Dynamic Inputs will make your forms more intuitive and user-friendly.

New Multi Choice Input

We are also excited to introduce the new Multi Choice Input, a highly requested feature that allows you to easily add questions with multiple choice answers to your forms.

This is perfect for surveys, quizzes, and feedback forms, giving your respondents clear and concise options to choose from. With the Multi Choice Input, you can gather valuable insights and data effortlessly.

New Phone Input

For those who need to collect phone numbers, we have added a dedicated Phone Input field. This input type ensures that phone numbers are captured correctly, eliminating any formatting issues or inconsistencies.

Whether you're running a customer support form or collecting contact information for a event registration, the Phone Input will streamline the process.

Faster Generations

We understand that speed is of the essence when it comes to form submission, and we have made significant strides in improving our response times. While there is still room for further optimization, you will notice that your forms are now more responsive and snappy.

Legal Disclaimer

Legal compliance is more important than ever. That's why we have introduced the ability to add legal disclaimers to your forms.

New Blur Reveal Animation

To enhance user engagement, we have added delightful new text animations to our forms. These subtle yet impactful animations bring your forms to life, making them more interactive and visually appealing.

End Screen Improvements

We have also made improvements to the End Screen, ensuring that your respondents have a satisfying and clear completion experience. The end screen leaves no doubt that their submission was successful, improving trust and encouraging future engagement with your forms.

At Formshare, we are committed to providing you with the tools and features you need to create exceptional forms that engage your audience and collect valuable data.

We believe that these new improvements will empower you to create better forms.

If you have any questions, feedback, or need assistance, our dedicated support team is always here to help. We value your input and are constantly striving to improve the platform based on your needs and suggestions.

Thank you for being a valued member of the Formshare community. Your trust and support mean the world to us, and we are excited to continue innovating and delivering the best possible form creation experience.

Happy building!

The Formshare Team